한국과 일본의 주택 가격 변화 추이(1986년부터 현재까지)

출처 :

명목 가격 지수는 30년간 대략 2.5배 올랐다.

일본은 오히려 떨어짐

실질 가격은 한일 양국 다 떨어졌다?

평균 소득에 대한 가격도 30년간 하락 추세..

2015/07/05 - [부동산] - 한국의 젠트리피케이션(Gentrification)

2015/07/01 - [부동산] - 국토교통부 주택 실거래가 엑셀 데이터 공개

2015/06/09 - [부동산] - 월세시대, 여러분의 집은 안녕하십니까?

2015/05/14 - [부동산] - 전국 상권 임대료 상승률 순위, 임대료 현황

2015/04/28 - [주식/투자/금융] - 스팀이 자꾸 세일하는 이유.jpg

2015/05/06 - [취업/전문직] - 일본 신입직원 월급.jpg

2015/05/10 - [주식/투자/금융] - 원유 해상저장 사재기 투자와 유가 상승

한국의 젠트리피케이션(Gentrification)

Gentrification is the buying and renovation of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods by wealthier individuals, which in effect improves property values but also can displace low-income families and small businesses.

This is a common and widespread controversial topic and term in urban planning. It refers to shifts in an urban community lifestyle and an increasing share of wealthier residents and/or businesses and increasing property values.

뜨는 동네의 역설. 집값 오르니 카페, 식당만 남더라

[골목길의 반란]연남·상수동..홍대상권 넘본다

상권 살려 놓으니 건물주가 임대료 올려

주민이 만든 마을에서 주민이 떠난다…마을만들기의 적(敵) ‘젠트리피케이션 ’

“아, 여기도 ‘강나마이제이션(Gangnamization)’ 되어버렸네!”

[한민정의 뉴욕의 창] 젠트리피케이션이 변두리 집값 올린다

저임금 노동자 흑인 거주지에 중산층 몰리면서 가격 급등

건물주 '갑질', 가수 싸이만의 문제일까

[기자의 눈] 재주는 곰이 부리고 돈은 '왕서방'이 챙긴다

강남역 아성에 도전하는 홍대입구역

사람들은 경리단길이나 서촌처럼 향수를 자극하고 빈티지 분위기를 자아내는 장소를 원하는데 .. 프랜차이즈는 20·30대의 욕구를 못 충족시키니까 젠트리피케이션이나 골목 상업화 현상이 일어나는 것으로 생각해요.

[심시티:서울] ② 서울 시티, 최적의 개발환경

서울 도심 대형건물 봇물… 商圈변동 태풍 온다

도시와 예술가는 공존할 수 있을까?

‘서촌’에 사람과 돈이 몰려오자…꽃가게 송씨·세탁소 김씨가 사라졌다

국토교통부 주택 실거래가 엑셀 데이터 공개

 한국감정원도 부동산 거래 정보를 공공 데이터 포털에 제공하기 시작

2015/06/09 - [부동산] - 월세시대, 여러분의 집은 안녕하십니까?

2015/05/14 - [부동산] - 전국 상권 임대료 상승률 순위, 임대료 현황

2015/04/26 - [부동산] - 가로수길 건물주.jpg

2015/04/07 - [부동산] - 부동산 통계정보시스템, 전월세 전환율

삼성그룹 지배구조 현황

2014/08/25 - [주식/투자/금융] - 삼성그룹의 미래, 경영권 승계, 사업재편 방향, 지배구조

2014/09/16 - [주식/투자/금융] - 대기업 양극화(?).jpg

2014/07/31 - [주식/투자/금융] - 금융투자 용어, 경제용어, 주식, 채권, 외환 용어 정리

2014/09/21 - [부동산] - 현대차 삼성동 한전부지 매입 관련 분석

2014/10/04 - [주식/투자/금융] - 일본 버블 경제가 붕괴한 이유, 거품경제 망한 이유

2014/10/29 - [주식/투자/금융] - 워렌버핏과 시즈 캔디, 투자 철학과 비법

2015/04/26 - [부동산] - 가로수길 건물주.jpg

2015/05/14 - [부동산] - 전국 상권 임대료 상승률 순위, 임대료 현황

일본의 현재 경제 상황

Japan's price level is the highest it's been for almost five years. 

日에 추월당한 한국 관광

이번 일본출장에서 느낀 것. 일본 정말 경기 좋다. 중국관광객들도 넘쳐남.

지난 일주일간의 상해와 도쿄 짧은 방문 소감. 중국 : 중국인들의 창업열기가 하늘을 찌른다. 일본 : 경기가 너무 좋다. 20여년래의 경제호황이 온다는 희망을 가진 사람들이 많다. by @estima7

일본 경제의 비밀..'중고 명품 가방'에 숨어있다

2015/05/12 - [잡동사니] - 독일의 위엄.jpg

2015/05/21 - [주식/투자/금융] - 주요 외국계 금융기관 한국 경제성장률 전망

2015/05/10 - [주식/투자/금융] - 원유 해상저장 사재기 투자와 유가 상승

2015/05/06 - [취업/전문직] - 일본 신입직원 월급.jpg

2015/04/15 - [주식/투자/금융] - 구인난에 시달리는 일본 경제

2015/05/09 - [주식/투자/금융] - FOMC 일정, BOJ 통화정책회의 일정

2015/03/22 - [주식/투자/금융] - 일본 ETF 개념, 특징 정리

2015/03/25 - [주식/투자/금융] - 일본 주식시장 소개

2015/03/30 - [주식/투자/금융] - Nikkei225, TOPIX 지수 개념 정리

2015/03/15 - [잡동사니] - 한국 일본 비교

2015/03/11 - [인생/명장면/리뷰] - 일본 근현대사를 공부할 때 읽어야할 책

2015/03/03 - [주식/투자/금융] - 드디어 인플레가 시작된 일본 경제?


창업 후 $10억 밸류에이션까지 도달시간

1년 3개월만에 10억 달러에 도달한 기업도 있네 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

무시무시하다 정말

2015/06/27 - [취업/전문직] - 스타트업 판타지.jpg

2015/06/24 - [잡동사니] - 빅데이터에 대한 정의

2015/06/23 - [취업/전문직] - IT 스타트업 개노답 삼형제

2015/06/19 - [취업/전문직] - 스타트업 관련 글 모음

2015/06/07 - [취업/전문직] - 스타트업 창업에 관한 여러 이야기

조지 소로스의 투자 조언

"Increase your bets when you're confident and scale down when you don't have conviction" George Soros 

2013/10/02 - [주식/투자/금융] - 조지소로스의 위엄.jpg

2014/10/30 - [주식/투자/금융] - 조지 소로스의 조언.jpg

2014/05/18 - [주식/투자/금융] - 주식투자 조언, 주식투자 잘하는 법

2014/05/20 - [주식/투자/금융] - 주식 트레이딩 조언, 주식 투자 비법

2014/05/30 - [주식/투자/금융] - 주식투자, 단기투자, 데이트레이딩 기법

2014/10/31 - [주식/투자/금융] - ELS에 대한 소고(전직 증권맨의 시각에서...)

2014/11/05 - [주식/투자/금융] - 트레이더의 모든 것, 주식, 선물, 옵션, 파생, 현물, 금융 트레이딩

2015/04/08 - [주식/투자/금융] - 버핏의 투자 조언

2014/12/04 - [주식/투자/금융] - 남자라면 주식투자.jpg

나 슬럼프 아니야.jpg

난 그냥 무능이야

메모리즈라는 만화 3권에 나오는 장면

2014/11/30 - [인생/명장면/리뷰] - 미생 명장면

2014/09/11 - [인생/명장면/리뷰] - 올더스 헉슬리 vs 조지 오웰

2014/03/19 - [인생/명장면/리뷰] - 도박묵시록 카이지 명장면.jpg

2014/05/26 - [인생/명장면/리뷰] - 최강전설 쿠로사와, 은과 금, 무뢰전가이, 도박패왕전 제로 명대사

2014/05/28 - [인생/명장면/리뷰] - 도박묵시록 카이지 명대사

존 메이나드 케인즈의 투자 수익률

John Maynard Keynes's investment performance for King's College (which includes the Great Depression & WWII)

연 평균 13.2%

표준편차 29.2%

최저 -40.1%

최대 56%

시장을 이긴 투자자 케인즈.


2015/04/01 - [주식/투자/금융] - 2015 대한민국 빈부 리포트

2014/12/27 - [취업/전문직] - 2013 근로소득자 급여 현황

2014/12/08 - [행정고시] - 경제학 공부 방향

2014/12/06 - [주식/투자/금융] - 국제 유가 하락, 디플레이션, 저물가

2014/12/01 - [행정고시] - 경제학 공부 조언

2014/11/29 - [주식/투자/금융] - 폴 크루그먼 칼럼(일본 경제에 대해)

2014/11/09 - [행정고시] - 행정고시 경제학 공부 조언

더 영리한 버핏은 은행에서 돈을 빌리는 대신 보험사를 인수해 그 자금으로 기업체를 인수하고 언론사를 장악했다. 그에게 남은 최대의 호재는 스티네스가 경험한 하이퍼 인플레이션.

Warren Buffett takes a page from the “Inflation King’s” playbook

By Jim Rickards, editor, Strategic Intelligence:

Hugo Stinnes is practically unknown today, but this was not always the case.

In the early 1920s, he was the wealthiest man in Germany at a time when the country was the world’s third-largest economy. He was a prominent industrialist and investor with diverse holdings in Germany and abroad.

Chancellors and Cabinet ministers of the newly formed Weimar Republic routinely sought his advice on economic and political problems. In many ways, Stinnes played a role in Germany similar to the one Warren Buffett plays in the U.S. today…

He was an ultra-wealthy investor whose opinion was eagerly sought on important political matters, who exercised powerful behind the-scenes influence, and who seemed to make all the right moves when it came to playing markets.

If you’re a student of economic history, you know that from 1922-1923, Germany suffered the worst hyperinflation experienced by a major industrial economy in modern times. The exchange rate between the German paper currency, the reichsmark, and the dollar went from 208-to-1 in early 1921 to 4.2 trillion-to-1 in late 1923.

At that point, the reichsmark became worthless and was swept down sewers as litter. Yet Stinnes was not wiped out during this hyperinflation. Why was that?

Stinnes was born in 1870 into a prosperous German family that had interests in coal mining. He worked in mines to obtain a practical knowledge of the industry and took courses in Berlin at the Academy of Mining.

Later, he inherited his family’s business and expanded it by buying his own mines. Then, he diversified into shipping, buying cargo lines. His own vessels were used to transport his coal within Germany along the Rhine River and from his mines abroad. His vessels also carried lumber and grains. His diversification included ownership of a leading newspaper, which he used to exert political influence.

Prior to the Weimar hyperinflation, Stinnes borrowed vast sums of money in reichsmarks. When the hyperinflation hit, Stinnes was perfectly positioned. The coal, steel, and shipping vessels retained their value.

It didn’t matter what happened to the German currency – a hard asset is still a hard asset and does not go away even if the currency goes to zero. Stinnes’ international holdings also served him well because they produced profits in hard currencies, not worthless reichsmarks. Some of these profits were kept offshore in the form of gold held in Swiss vaults.

That way, he could escape both hyperinflation and German taxation. Finally, Stinnes repaid his debts in worthless reichsmarks, making them disappear. Not only was Stinnes not harmed by the Weimar hyperinflation, but his empire prospered and he made more money than ever.

He expanded his holdings and bought out bankrupt competitors. Stinnes made so much money during the Weimar hyperinflation that his nickname was Inflation King. When the dust settled and Germany returned to a new gold-backed currency, Stinnes was one of the richest men in the world, while the German middle classes were destroyed.

Interestingly, you see Warren Buffett using the same techniques today.

It appears that Buffett has studied Stinnes carefully and is preparing for the same calamity that Stinnes saw – hyperinflation. Buffett purchased major transportation assets in 2009 in the form of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad.

This railroad consists of hard assets in the form of rights of way, adjacent mining rights, rail, and rolling stock. The railroad makes money moving hard assets, such as ore and grains. Buffett next purchased huge oil and natural gas assets in Canada in the form of Suncor.

Buffett can now move his Suncor oil on his Burlington Northern railroad in exactly the same way that Stinnes moved his coal on his own ships in 1923.

For decades, Buffett also owned one of the most powerful newspapers in the U.S.: the Washington Post. He sold that stake recently to Jeff Bezos of Amazon, but still retains communications assets. He has also purchased large offshore assets in China and elsewhere that produce non-dollar profits that can be retained offshore tax-free.

A huge part of Buffett’s portfolio is in financial stocks – particularly in banks and insurance companies – that are highly leveraged borrowers. Like Stinnes in the 1920s, Buffett can profit when the liabilities of these financial giants are wiped out by inflation, while they nimbly redeploy assets to hedge their own exposures.

In short, Buffett is borrowing from the Stinnes playbook. He’s using leverage to diversify into hard assets in energy, transportation, and foreign currencies. He’s using his communications assets and prestige to stay informed on behind-the-scenes developments on the political landscape. Buffett is now positioned in much the same way that Stinnes was positioned in 1922.

If hyperinflation were to slam the U.S. today, Buffett’s results would be the same as Stinnes’. His hard assets would explode in value, his debts would be eliminated, and he would be in a position to buy out bankrupt competitors. Of course, the middle classes in the U.S. would be wiped out, as they were in Germany.

My advice to you when it comes to billionaires like Buffett is to watch what they do, not what they say. Stinnes saw the German hyperinflation coming and positioned accordingly.

Buffett is following Stinnes’ strategy. Perhaps Buffett sees the same hyperinflation in our future. It’s not too late for you to take some of the same precautions as Stinnes and Buffett.


Jim Rickards

P.S. I’ve been trying to warn people about the disastrous effects of the global currency wars for years. You may even be familiar with my 2012 book on the subject, Currency Wars. But what I didn’t mention then is that if you know what you’re doing, you can profit handsomely from them. Click here to see the best strategy to use – something I call the IMPACT system.

Spacesniffer 폴더 크기별로 표시해주는 프로그램

2015/06/15 - [생활정보] - 인공지능 로봇에 의해 대체될 확률이 높은 직업

2015/06/06 - [클럽축구] - 축구 하이라이트 보는 곳

2015/06/07 - [취업/전문직] - 스타트업 창업에 관한 여러 이야기

니케이, 아시아태평양 주요 주가지수, 환율, 유가

대항해시대와 대분기(Great Divergence)

2015/02/12 - [인생/명장면/리뷰] - 1820년 이전의 세계 인구와 GDP 분석

2015/02/13 - [인생/명장면/리뷰] - 일본은 언제부터 우리를 앞섰을까?

2015/03/11 - [인생/명장면/리뷰] - 일본 근현대사를 공부할 때 읽어야할 책

2015/06/15 - [생활정보] - 인공지능 로봇에 의해 대체될 확률이 높은 직업

2015/06/14 - [잡동사니] - 아프리카 난민들의 대탈출 러시

2015/06/12 - [생활정보] - 중국의 진주목걸이 전략

2015/05/07 - [생활정보] - 당 대표 vs 원내대표 차이점 비교

2015/05/03 - [잡동사니] - 2034년 대한민국 인구 변화.jpg

2015/03/03 - [주식/투자/금융] - 드디어 인플레가 시작된 일본 경제?

2015/03/15 - [잡동사니] - 한국 일본 비교

중국의 진주목걸이 전략

인도양을 중심으로 중동에서 남중국해에 이르는 중국의 전략거점 구축 계획

2015/06/11 - [생활정보] - 세계 각 나라의 연금 지급 개시 연령

2015/06/09 - [부동산] - 월세시대, 여러분의 집은 안녕하십니까?

2015/06/08 - [주식/투자/금융] - 세계 경제지표, 통계 보는 곳.

2015/05/28 - [생활정보] - 2015 UK Election(영국 총선) 결과

2015/05/26 - [잡동사니] - NBA 팀 홈구장 위치.jpg

2015/05/27 - [아스날] - 아스날을 인수하고 싶어하는 아프리카의 최고 부자

2015/05/10 - [주식/투자/금융] - 원유 해상저장 사재기 투자와 유가 상승

2015/04/26 - [부동산] - 가로수길 건물주.jpg

2015/04/13 - [유명인] - 이다지 세계사

2015/03/11 - [인생/명장면/리뷰] - 일본 근현대사를 공부할 때 읽어야할 책

세계 각 나라의 연금 지급 개시 연령 

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축구 하이라이트 보는 곳

박영옥의 주식투자에 대한 생각

1. 적은 돈으로 기업의 주인이 될 수 있다.

2. 종자돈은 절약을 통해 모으는 수밖에 없다.

3. 기업에 대한 안목을 키울 것.

주식투자는 기업의 주인이 되는 것

박영옥 스마트인컴 대표는 대동공업(16.71%), 참좋은레져(14.15%), 조광피혁(10.30%), 에이티넘인베스트(7.73%), 한국경제TV(7.14%), 삼천리자전거(5.32%) 등 총 6개사의 주식 1847억원어치를 보유하고 있다.

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FC 바르셀로나 2014/15 코파 델 레이 우승

Ath Bilbao1

Williams 79′


Messi 20′, 74′Neymar 36′

  • FT 90 +5
  • HT 0-2
Lionel Messi

30 May 2015Last updated at 22:28 GMT

Lionel Messi scored an outrageous solo goal as La Liga champions Barcelona beat Athletic Bilbao to win the Copa del Rey and edge closer to the treble.

The four-time world player of the year lit up the Nou Camp when he evaded numerous challenges on the right wing and then surged into the area before firing home a firm, low shot.

Neymar tapped in his 38th goal this campaign, before Messi scored his 58th with the outside of his boot.

Inaki Williams headed in late on.

That effort in the 79th minute was a small blip in an otherwise superb performance by Luis Enrique's side at their home, the Nou Camp.

A repeat display against Juventus in next week's Champions League final will almost certainly see them complete their second ever continental treble, having become the first La Liga side to do so in 2009.

On Saturday there were many fantastic moments of Barca interplay, but the highlight of the match, and maybe the Spanish season, involved just one player - Messi.

The 27-year-old Argentina forward started on the right and surrounded by Athletic players in the lead up to the opening goal, but managed to squeeze through a gap, sprint into the box, shift the ball past one more defender before striking a shot low past goalkeeper Iago Herrerin.

"Leo is spectacular, he is a star," said Neymar.

"For me he is the best in the world and it is an honour to be part of this team with players of such quality."

If that was an individual goal of the highest standard, then Neymar's was a team goal of equal quality.

Quick passing around the area between Messi and Ivan Rakitic ended with Luis Suarez squaring the ball to Neymar to slot in. It was another goal for the Brazilian in what has been a superb debut season at Barcelona.

Messi scored his second of the night and his 58th this season with a stunning close-range finish after the break which meant he, Suarez and Neymar have now scored 120 goals in all competitions for the Catalan club this campaign.

Barca took a more relaxed approach in the last 15 minutes, and Athletic - 23-time winners of the competition - made the most of their opportunity when Williams headed in from six yards out.

Xavi came on as a late substitute in his final appearance for Barcelona at the Nou Camp. And the Spaniard, who will be ending a 17-year association, almost scored a fourth when his brilliant free-kick struck the post.


Athletic Bilbao

  • 13 Herrerín Buisán
  • 12 Bustinza Martínez
  • 16 Etxeita
  • 04 Laporte
  • 24 Balenziaga Booked
  • 06 San José
  • 07 Etxebarria Urkiaga (Gómez - 75' )
  • 15 Iraola Booked (Susaeta - 58' )
  • 17 Rico Moreno (Iturraspe - 74' Booked )
  • 30 Williams Booked
  • 20 Aduriz


  • 01 Iraizoz
  • 08 Iturraspe
  • 09 Sola Clemente
  • 11 Gómez
  • 14 Susaeta
  • 18 Gurpegi
  • 23 Aketxe


  • 01 ter Stegen
  • 22 Dani Alves
  • 03 Piqué Booked
  • 14 Mascherano
  • 18 Alba (Mathieu - 77' )
  • 04 Rakitic
  • 05 Busquets Booked
  • 08 Iniesta (Xavi - 56' )
  • 10 Messi
  • 09 Suárez (Pedro - 78' )
  • 11 Neymar Booked


  • 06 Xavi
  • 07 Pedro
  • 12 Alcántara do Nascimento
  • 13 Bravo
  • 15 Bartra
  • 21 Adriano
  • 24 Mathieu
Ref: Carlos Velasco Carballo
Att: 99,354


Possession73%27%90minsAthletic BilbaoBarcelona



On target






아스날 2014/15 FA컵 우승

Team badge of Arsenal

Walcott 40′Sánchez 50′Mertesacker 62′Giroud 90′

  • FT 90 +4
  • HT 1-0

30 May 2015Last updated at 21:17 GMT

  • Arsenal win a record 12th FA Cup
  • Gunners retain trophy for second time
  • Sanchez second Chilean to score in final
  • First team to win by more than one since 2004

Arsenal became the most successful club in FA Cup history as they outclassed Aston Villa at Wembley to earn Arsene Wenger a record-equalling sixth triumph.

The Gunners retained the trophy they won against Hull City a year ago to put Wenger's total of wins alongside George Ramsay - who previously stood alone with the record for his victories with Villa between 1887 and 1920.

Arsenal's 12th final victory was never in doubt as they dominated with a magnificent display, the only surprise being that it took until five minutes before half-time for their control to be rewarded with Theo Walcott's goal.

Alexis Sanchez confirmed that superiority with one of the great FA Cup final goals shortly after the restart - a swerving, dipping 25-yard thunderbolt that flew high past startled Villa keeper Shay Given.

Play media

FA Cup final: Arsenal players target league title next

Villa were a shadow of the side that performed so impressively to beat Liverpool at Wembley in the semi-final, their flaws exposed ruthlessly as Per Mertesacker took advantage of an embarrassing lack of marking to head the third.

Substitute Olivier Giroud's fourth in the final moments only completed what was a harrowing day for Tim Sherwood's side, who had travelled to Wembley high on optimism and expectation after an impressive run to the final.

It was a day of triumph for Wenger, as he added another FA Cup to his three Premier League titles in a game that was a sharp contrast to the tension of last year's final, when the Gunners had to recover from two goals down.

And Wenger recorded a tactical victory over Villa counterpart Sherwood, with his decision to use the pace of Walcott to take on Villa's defence rather than the power of Giroud reaping rich rewards.

Sherwood's big selection call - to play Charles N'zogbia ahead of Gabriel Agbonlahor - never looked like working. By the time the latter was introduced, just after Arsenal had gone two up, the horse had bolted for a Villa team that simply never performed.

Arsenal's season can now be judged as a success, with the trophy adding to a third-placed finish in the Premier League that assured Champions League football again.

This was a day of unrelenting misery for Sherwood and his players - watched at Wembley by owner Randy Lerner, who was sitting next to Villa fan Prince William.

They will have to regard Premier League survival as their success this term, which was the main priority when the manager replaced Paul Lambert in February.

Villa ended the league season by being thrashed 6-1 at Southampton and losing at home to relegated Burnley and the ominous signs of those performances were flagged up once more as Arsenal's pace and mobility ran them ragged.

Goalkeeper Given showed great athleticism to save from Laurent Koscielny, and Kieran Richardson blocked crucially from Walcott as he looked certain to score.

Play media

Sherwood's thoughts on 4-0 loss to Arsenal in FA Cup final

Just as it looked as if Villa would somehow survive until half-time, Arsenal got the breakthrough they deserved, Walcott thumping a finish past Given at his near post after Sanchez headed down Nacho Monreal's cross.

Before Villa could regroup after half-time, Sanchez effectively settled the contest with a magical FA Cup final moment, sending a bullet finish high past Given with the keeper barely having time to react.

Villa, pretty much as they had looked from the first whistle, were shell-shocked and Mertesacker was allowed by Christian Benteke to rise unmarked and head in the third.

The formalities were completed with virtually the last kick of the game when Giroud turned in Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain's cross in front of a rapidly-emptying Villa end, with their supporters having had little more than a couple of half-hearted penalty appeals to sustain them.

Wenger took the applause of Arsenal's fans before the trophy was presented - the manager who has had so many doubters delivering his answer with another piece of silverware.

Theo Walcott

Theo Walcott has scored seven goals in seven starts for Arsenal this season

Aston Villa fans

The previous eight FA Cup finals at the new Wembley had been won by a one-goal margin

Alexis Sanchez

Alexis Sanchez became the second Chilean to score in an FA Cup final, after Newcastle's George Robledo in 1952

Per Mertesacker

Arsenal have scored 11 times against Villa this season and are yet to concede

Aston Villa have not won the FA Cup since 1957



  • 01 Szczesny
  • 39 Bellerin
  • 04 Mertesacker
  • 06 Koscielny
  • 18 Monreal
  • 34 Coquelin
  • 19 Cazorla
  • 16 Ramsey
  • 11 Özil (Wilshere - 77' )
  • 17 Sánchez (Oxlade-Chamberlain - 90' )
  • 14 Walcott (Giroud - 77' )


  • 03 Gibbs
  • 05 Gabriel
  • 10 Wilshere
  • 12 Giroud
  • 13 Ospina
  • 15 Oxlade-Chamberlain
  • 20 Flamini

Aston Villa

  • 31 Given
  • 21 Hutton Booked
  • 05 Okore
  • 04 Vlaar
  • 18 Richardson (Bacuna - 68' )
  • 08 Cleverley Booked
  • 15 Westwood Booked (Sánchez - 71' )
  • 16 Delph Booked
  • 28 N'Zogbia (Agbonlahor - 53' Booked )
  • 20 Benteke
  • 40 Grealish


  • 01 Guzan
  • 02 Baker
  • 07 Bacuna
  • 09 Sinclair
  • 11 Agbonlahor
  • 12 Cole
  • 24 Sánchez
Ref: Jonathan Moss
Att: 89,283


Possession42%58%90minsArsenalAston VillaArsenal: 58%



On target






Theo Walcott

30 May 2015Last updated at 21:02 GMT

Arsenal 'must target Premier League title' after FA Cup win

Arsenal forward Theo Walcott says the Gunners have to challenge for next season's Premier League title after they successfully retained the FA Cup.

Walcott, 26, scored the first goal as Arsenal comfortably defeated Aston Villa 4-0 in the final at Wembley.

But the Gunners came third in the Premier League, 12 points behind champions Chelsea, and have not won the league title since the 2003-04 season.

"The Premier League has to be the next target for us," said Walcott.

"That's two FA Cup wins now but this is one of the best squads we have had at Arsenal so we should be achieving more. We need to start well in the Premier League next year."

Walcott suffered a serious knee injury in January 2014 that saw him miss the 2014 FA Cup final, where Arsenal beat Hull City 3-2 at Wembley.

The England international only played two games in November before another injury kept him out for a further two months.

But he finished the season strongly with a hat-trick in Arsenal's last Premier League match, a 4-1 win against West Brom as Walcott was preferred to Olivier Giroud up front.

Glory, glory Arsenal

Arsenal have now won the FA Cup 12 times, more than any other team.

Walcott opened the scoring in the 40th minute at Wembley before further goals from Alexis Sanchez, Per Mertesacker and Giroud secured the victory.

"I missed all this last year and to be part of it this year is a dream come true," added Walcott.

"My family are here and I have worked so hard, as has everyone to do this. I want to thank the manager for picking me and having faith in me and hopefully I repaid him.

"I also want to thank the physios and everyone who has looked after me. This is for them."

'My hunger is great. I want to do well'

Arsene Wenger

Arsene Wenger has won the FA Cup six times during his time as Arsenal manager

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has now guided the Gunners to two trophies in two seasons after eight campaigns without winning any silverware.

"We have shown that we are a real team and can deal with pressure," said Wenger. "I congratulate the players, the staff and the fans. We are so happy.

"I had a difficult week to pick the team. But when confidence and sprit is so good it helps. I am very proud. Our club is doing well and if I can personally do well then it's even better.

Play media

FA Cup final: Arsenal players target league title next

"I have two more years of my contract and my hunger is great."

Wenger has won the Premier League three times, with their last success coming with the 2003-04 side that remained unbeaten throughout their league season.

He added: "Of course I think we can push on. Why not? We have won the league in the past when we have had potential to do it and that's what we want to do again.

"That's what we want to show next season but you also don't know how good the other teams will be.

"It is about consistency at the top level and in the past we have won leagues when we have been consistent."

'We really wanted this one'

Aaron Ramsey

Aaron Ramsey has won the FA Cup twice with Arsenal and lost in one final while at Cardiff

Arsenal midfielder Aaron Ramsey is also adamant that his side can win the Premier League title in 2015-16.

"It's a great feeling," said Ramsey. "We really wanted this one. Winning back-to-back FA Cups is not an easy thing to do and we have done it.

"Now we can look forward to next season and kick on and give it a real go in the Premier League."

'If we keep this squad we have a good chance'

Olivier Giroud

Olivier Giroud's goal was his first in nine games for Arsenal

Striker Olivier Giroud scored Arsenal's fourth goal in injury-time after coming on as a substitute in the 77th minute.

He feels it is vital that the key players remain at the club.

"If we keep this squad, with one or two more players, we will have a good chance to challenge for the title," said Giroud. "The Premier League title is the target. Hopefully we will be there."

Arsenal's win in numbers

12 - Arsenal moved one win ahead of Manchester United to become the club with the most FA Cup final victories.

6 - Arsene Wenger is the first post-war manager to win the FA Cup six times.

4 - The Gunners have joined Wanderers, Blackburn Rovers and Tottenham in retaining the FA Cup on multiple occasions.

2 - Aston Villa mustered just two shots in the entire game and both were blocked. Arsenal had 16 shots.

13 - This is only the 13th time that a team has scored four or more goals in an FA Cup final.

2 - Alexis Sanchez is only the second Chilean to score in the FA Cup final.

100 - Arsenal midfielder Santi Cazorla was the only player in the final to have 100 touches.

다른 사람의 취향을 이해하려 하지 마라

인생을 살아가면서 정말 다양한 부류의 사람들을 만나게 되는데

개중에는 이해할 수 없는 사람들도 참 많다.

그럴 때 짜증나는 적도 많았는데 이제는 더 이상 그러지 않는다.

누군가를 굳이 이해해야할 필요가 없다는 결론에 이르렀기 때문이다.

나와 별 관계도 없는 인간의 기호나 취향에 대해 이해하려 하는 것은 시간낭비이다.

다른 사람을 제대로 이해하기 위해서는 그 사람이 살아온 인생 전체의 맥락을 살펴봐야 하는데

그러기에는 시간이 너무나 많이 든다.

그리고 내가 그런 수고까지 해가며 이해해야될 사람은 인생에 몇 없다.

그저 있는 그대로 받아 들이면 된다.

사실 취향이나 기호라 말은 했지만 정치적 성향, 종교같은 문제도 마찬가지이다.

내가 굳이 이해할 필요도 없고 나와 반대되는 생각을 가지고 있다고 해서 설득을 할 필요도 없다.

내가 설득한다고 설득되는 경우는 없었다.

애초에 나부터도 설득되지 않는데, 다른 사람들도 마찬가지다.

물리적인 시간의 관점에서 봤을 때 

한 사람의 취향을 이해하고 나와 반대되는 생각을 가지고 있는 사람을 설득한다는 것은 너무 시간이 많이 드는 작업이다.

나와 같은 취향과 기호를 가진 사람, 나와 비슷한 정치적 성향과 종교적 관점을 가진 사람과 이야기 하기에도 시간이 모자란 게 우리 인생이다.

나와 맞지 않고 나를 싫어하는 사람, 나와 반대되는 생각을 가진 사람과 이야기할 시간에 

나와 맞고 나를 좋아하고 나와 비슷한 생각을 가진 사람과 이야기 하는 게 내 인생에 더 득이 된다.

다른 사람의 취향과 생각이 이해 안된다고 짜증 내며 설득하려 드는 것은 결국 꼰대로 가는 길이 아닐까 싶다.


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2015/05/30 - [클럽축구] - 바르셀로나 MSN 출생지.jpg

2015/05/31 - [클럽축구] - 잉글랜드 FA, 2015/16 대회 일정 발표

2015/05/27 - [아스날] - 아스날을 인수하고 싶어하는 아프리카의 최고 부자

2015/05/24 - [클럽축구] - 도르트문트 도르트문트 시절.jpg

2015/05/23 - [클럽축구] - 유럽축구 클럽 지도, 세계 축구 리그 클럽별 연고지 지도

2015/05/19 - [클럽축구] - 수비형 미드필더의 포백보호

2015/05/18 - [클럽축구] - 홀딩, 앵커, 박투박 미드필더 정의 및 분류(펌글)

2015/05/17 - [한국축구/국가대표] - 역대 축구선수 서열, 순위, 등급

2015/05/15 - [한국축구/국가대표] - 브라질의 눈물.jpg

2015/05/11 - [클럽축구] - UEFA 국가 랭킹 포인트 시스템

2015/05/05 - [아스날] - 아스날이 맨유를 이긴 날.jpg

잉글랜드 FA, 2015/16 대회 일정 발표

The FA has announced next season’s fixture calendar, with the 2015-16 FA Cup Final confirmed for Saturday 21 May 2016.

It means that three of The FA’s national competitions will be decided across one weekend, with both The FA Trophy and FA Vase taking place at Wembley as part of a pilot double-header on Sunday 22 May.

The traditional curtain-raiser for the season, The FA Community Shield, takes place on Sunday 2 August with Jose Mourinho and his newly-crowned Premier League champions at Wembley to face either Arsenal or Aston Villa at 3pm. 

That will be the second time the Blues are at Wembley that weekend, as The FA Women's Cup Final between Chelsea and Notts County Ladies is taking place at Wembley for the first time in the competition’s history with a 3pm kick-off on Saturday 1 August.

The domestic league season across the Premier League, Football League and the National League System commences on Saturday 8 August with the FA Cup Extra-Preliminary Round kicking off on 15 August.

FA Cup Third Round weekend will be Saturday 9 January 2016 with the Semi-Finals on 23/24 April.

Click here to download the full fixture list for the 2015-16 season (pdf).


July 2015
Tue 7 Jul UEFA Champions League 1Q(2)
Wed 8 Jul UEFA Champions League 1Q(2)
Thu 9 Jul UEFA Europa League 1Q(2)
Tue 14 Jul UEFA Champions League 2Q(1)
Wed 15 Jul UEFA Champions League 2Q(1)
Thu 16 Jul UEFA Europa League 2Q(1)
Tue 21 Jul UEFA Champions League 2Q(2)
Wed 22 Jul UEFA Champions League 2Q(2)
Thu 23 Jul UEFA Europa League 2Q(2)
Tue 28 Jul UEFA Champions League 3Q(1)
Wed 29 Jul UEFA Champions League 3Q(1)
Thu 30 Jul UEFA Europa League 3Q(1)

August 2015
Sat 1 Aug FA Women’s Cup Final (2014-15)
Sun 2 Aug FA Community Shield 
Tue 4 Aug UEFA Champions League 3Q(2)
Wed 5 Aug UEFA Champions League 3Q(2)
Thu 6 Aug UEFA Europa League 3Q(2)
Sat 8 Aug Premier League Commences, Football League Commences, National League Commences
Tue 11 Aug UEFA Super Cup, Football League Cup 1
Sat 15 Aug FA Cup EP
Tue 18 Aug UEFA Champions League Qualifying Play-Off(1)
Wed 19 Aug UEFA Champions League Qualifying Play-Off(1)
Thu 20 Aug UEFA Europa League Qualifying Play-Off(1)
Tue 25 Aug UEFA Champions League Qualifying Play-Off(2)
Wed 26 Aug UEFA Champions League Qualifying Play-Off(2), Football League Cup 2
Thu 27 Aug UEFA Europa League Qualifying Play-Off(2)
Sat 29 Aug FA Cup P
Mon 31 Aug Bank Holiday

September 2015
Wed 2 Sep Football League Trophy 1
Sat 5 Sep San Marino v England – Euro 2016 Qualifier, FA Vase 1Q
Mon 7 Sep FA Youth Cup P+
Tue 8 Sep England v Switzerland – EURO 2016 Qualifier
Sat 12 Sep FA Cup 1Q
Tue 15 Sep UEFA Champions League MD1
Wed 16 Sep UEFA Champions League MD1

Thu 17 Sep UEFA Europa League MD1
Mon 21 Sep FA Youth Cup 1Q+
Wed 23 Sep Football League Cup 3
Sat 26 Sep FA Cup 2Q
Tue 29 Sep UEFA Champions League MD2
Wed 30 Sep UEFA Champions League MD2

October 2015
Thu 1 Oct UEFA Europa League MD2
Sat 3 Oct FA Trophy P
FA Vase 2Q
Mon 5 Oct FA Youth Cup 2Q+
Wed 7 Oct Football League Trophy 2
Fri 9 Oct England v Estonia – EURO 2016 Qualifier
Sat 10 Oct FA Cup 3Q, FA County Youth Cup 1*
Mon 12 Oct Lithuania v England – EURO 2016 Qualifier
Sun 18 Oct FA Sunday Cup 1
Mon 19 Oct FA Youth Cup 3Q+
Tue 20 Oct UEFA Champions League MD3
Wed 21 Oct UEFA Champions League MD3

Thu 22 Oct UEFA Europa League MD3
Sat 24 Oct FA Cup 4Q
Wed 28 Oct Football League Cup 4
Sat 31 Oct FA Trophy 1Q, FA Vase 1P

November 2015
Tue 3 Nov UEFA Champions League MD4
Wed 4 Nov UEFA Champions League MD4

Thu 5 Nov UEFA Europa League MD4
Sat 7 Nov FA Cup 1P, FA Youth Cup 1P*, FA County Youth Cup 2*
Wed 11 Nov Football League Trophy QF
Fri 13 Nov Possible England International
Sat 14 Nov FA Trophy 2Q
Sun 15 Nov FA Sunday Cup 2
Tue 17 Nov Possible England International
Sat 21 Nov FA Vase 2P, FA Youth Cup 2P*
Tue 24 Nov UEFA Champions League MD5
Wed 25 Nov UEFA Champions League MD5

Thu 26 Nov UEFA Europa League MD5
Sat 28 Nov FA Trophy 3Q

December 2015
Wed 2 Dec Football League Cup 5
Sat 5 Dec FA Cup 2P
Tue 8 Dec UEFA Champions League MD6
Wed 9 Dec UEFA Champions League MD6

Football League Trophy SF
Thu 10 Dec UEFA Europa League MD6
Sat 12 Dec FA Trophy 1P, FA Vase 3P, FA County Youth Cup 3*
Sun 13 Dec FA Sunday Cup 3
Sat 19 Dec FA Youth Cup 3P*
Fri 25 Dec Christmas Day
Sat 26 Dec Boxing Day

January 2016
Fri 1 Jan New Year’s Day
Wed 6 Jan Football League Cup SF(1)
Sat 9 Jan FA Cup 3P, FA Vase 4P
Wed 12 Jan Football League Trophy AF(1)
Sat 16 Jan FA Trophy 2P, FA Youth Cup 4P*
Sun 17 Jan FA Sunday Cup 4
Sat 23 Jan FA County Youth Cup 4*
Wed 27 Jan Football League Cup SF(2), Football League Trophy AF(2)
Sat 30 Jan FA Cup 4P, FA Vase 5P

February 2016
Sat 6 Feb FA Trophy 3P, FA Youth Cup 5P*
Sun 14 Feb FA Sunday Cup 5
Tue 16 Feb UEFA Champions League 16(1)
Wed 17 Feb UEFA Champions League 16(1)

Thu 18 Feb UEFA Europa League 32(1)
Sat 20 Feb FA Cup 5P, FA Vase 6P
Tue 23 Feb UEFA Champions League 16(1)
Wed 24 Feb UEFA Champions League 16(1)

Thu 25 Feb UEFA Europa League 32(2)
Sat 27 Feb FA Trophy 4P, FA Youth Cup 6P*, FA County Youth Cup SF*
Sun 28 Feb Football League Cup Final

March 2016
Tue 8 Mar UEFA Champions League 16(2)
Wed 9 Mar UEFA Champions League 16(2)

Thu 10 Mar UEFA Europa League 16(1)
Sat 12 Mar FA Cup 6P, FA Trophy SF(1), FA Vase SF(1)
Sun 13 Mar FA Sunday Cup SF
Tue 15 Mar UEFA Champions League 16(2)
Wed 16 Mar UEFA Champions League 16(2)

Thu 17 Mar UEFA Europa League 16(2)
Sat 19 Mar FA Trophy SF(2), FA Vase SF(2), FA Youth Cup SF(1)*
Fri 25 Mar Good Friday
Sun 27 Mar Easter Sunday
Mon 28 Mar Bank Holiday

April 2016
Sun 3 Apr Football League Trophy Final
Tue 5 Apr UEFA Champions League QF(1)
Wed 6 Apr UEFA Champions League QF(1)

Thu 7 Apr UEFA Europa League QF(1)
Sat 9 Apr FA Youth Cup SF(2)*, FA County Youth Cup Final (prov)
Tue 12 Apr UEFA Champions League QF(2)
Wed 13 Apr UEFA Champions League QF(2)

Thu 14 Apr UEFA Europa League QF(2)
Sun 17 Apr FA Sunday Cup Final (prov)
Sat 23 Apr FA Cup SF
Sun 24 Apr FA Cup SF
Tue 26 April UEFA Champions League SF(1)
Wed 27 April UEFA Champions League SF(1)

Thu 28 April UEFA Europa League SF(1)
Sat 30 Apr National League Ends

May 2016
Mon 2 May Bank Holiday
Tue 3 May UEFA Champions League SF(2)
Wed 4 May UEFA Champions League SF(2),
 Football Conference SF Play Offs to Sun 8 May
Thu 5 May UEFA Europa League SF(2)
Sat 7 May Football League Ends
Thu 12 May Football League Play-Off Semi-Finals to Fri 20 May
Sat 14 May National League North&South Promotion Finals
Sun 15 May End of Premier League, National League Premier Div Promotion Final
Wed 18 May UEFA Europa League Final
Fri 20 May End of Football League Play-Off’s
Sat 21 May FA Cup Final
Sun 22 May FA Trophy Final, FA Vase Final
Sat 28 May UEFA Champions League Final, Football League Championship Play-Off Final
Sun 29 May Football League 1 Play-Off Final
Mon 30 May Football League 2 Play-Off Final

June 2016
Fri 10 June UEFA Euro 2016 commences

July 2016
Sun 10 July UEFA Euro 2016 Final

FA Youth Cup Final 1st & 2nd Leg - dates to be confirmed
FA Women’s Cup Dates - to be confirmed

*closing date of round
+week commencing


바르셀로나 MSN 출생지.jpg

그들의 출생지가 직선으로 연결됨.

완벽한 궁합..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


2014/10/01 - [클럽축구] - 축구 게임 엔딩같은 메시.jpg

2014/09/20 - [클럽축구] - 바르셀로나 유스 시스템, 바르샤 유스, 라 마시아 유소년, 유망주

2014/09/19 - [클럽축구] - 바르샤를 이끌 26인의 유망주, 바르샤 유스 현황

2014/09/15 - [한국축구/국가대표] - 이승우 일본전 골 장면 영상, 사진, 움짤, U16 국가대표 축구 득점

2014/09/22 - [클럽축구] - 축구선수 부인, 여자친구, 왁스(WAGS), 축구선수 여친

2014/09/23 - [클럽축구] - 잉글랜드 축구 수준, 뻥글 위엄.jpg

2014/09/14 - [클럽축구] - 바르셀로나의 유소년 육성법, 바르샤 유스 훈련방법

2014/09/05 - [풋볼머니리그] - 유럽축구 이적시장 클럽별 순 지출 현황.TXT

2014/08/29 - [클럽축구] - 아틀레틱 빌바오 홈구장 산 마메스 바리아 사진

2014/08/18 - [클럽축구] - FC바르셀로나 6관왕 인증.jpg

2014/07/23 - [클럽축구] - FC바르셀로나 판타스틱5.jpg 바르샤 판타스틱5

2014/08/29 - [클럽축구] - 귀요미 메시.jpg

2014/05/08 - [클럽축구] - 바르셀로나를 굴복시킨 남자, 토레스

2014/04/19 - [클럽축구] - 펩 과르디올라 바르셀로나의 4시즌 스탯

2014/04/26 - [클럽축구] - 호날두 고자질.GIF

2014/04/28 - [클럽축구] - 유럽축구 클럽 애칭.txt

2014/05/01 - [클럽축구] - 위르겐 클롭 인터뷰(5월 21일자)+소소한 일화.txt

2014/03/27 - [풋볼머니리그] - 세계 프로축구구단 수입 상위10.jpg

2015 UK Election(영국 총선) 결과

보수당의 승리로 끝난 선거.

데이비드 캐머런 총리는 다시금 영국을 이끌게 되었다.


2015/05/27 - [아스날] - 아스날을 인수하고 싶어하는 아프리카의 최고 부자

2015/05/26 - [잡동사니] - NBA 팀 홈구장 위치.jpg

2015/05/24 - [클럽축구] - 도르트문트 도르트문트 시절.jpg

2015/05/23 - [클럽축구] - 유럽축구 클럽 지도, 세계 축구 리그 클럽별 연고지 지도

2015/05/20 - [주식/투자/금융] - LNG 생산 및 수송 개념정리

2015/05/17 - [한국축구/국가대표] - 역대 축구선수 서열, 순위, 등급

2015/05/16 - [생활정보] - 세계 각 나라에서 가장 인기있는 맥주 브랜드

2015/05/15 - [한국축구/국가대표] - 브라질의 눈물.jpg

2015/05/14 - [부동산] - 전국 상권 임대료 상승률 순위, 임대료 현황

2015/05/12 - [잡동사니] - 독일의 위엄.jpg

2015/05/10 - [취업/전문직] - 청춘, 젊음, 20대 관련 글들 모음

2015/05/07 - [생활정보] - 당 대표 vs 원내대표 차이점 비교

2015/05/05 - [아스날] - 아스날이 맨유를 이긴 날.jpg

2015/05/04 - [취업/전문직] - 인문계 vs 이공계, 남여 취업 비율 비교

2015/05/06 - [취업/전문직] - 일본 신입직원 월급.jpg

2015/05/03 - [잡동사니] - 2034년 대한민국 인구 변화.jpg

2015/05/02 - [취업/전문직] - 검사장 이력서.jpg

2015/04/30 - [클럽축구] - 메시의 메시 놀이.GIF

2015/04/28 - [주식/투자/금융] - 스팀이 자꾸 세일하는 이유.jpg

아스날을 인수하고 싶어하는 아프리카의 최고 부자

재산순위 55위이며, 로만이나 우스마노프보다 더 부자 입니다.

거부할수 없는 제안을 한다고 하네요

재산은 파운드로 103억파운드, 한화 16조원이 넘으며

미국 타임지가 선정한 2014년 올해의 인물 100인 으로서

사업도 잘하고 선행도 많이 하는 아스날 광팬 이라고 합니다.

Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote, said he still wants to buy English Premier League soccer team Arsenal even after he was rebuffed by its owners in 2010.

아프리카에서 가장 부유한 사람인 알리코 단고테는 여전히 아스날을 사는 것을 원하고 있다. 이미 2010년 아스날의 주인들에게 거절당했음에도.

Nigeria’s Dangote, an Arsenal fan worth $15.7 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, discussed buying a stake in the club five years ago before talks with the owners fell through, he said. Since then his wealth has grown more than sevenfold.

블룸버그에 따르면 나이지리아의 아스날 팬 단고테는 157억 달러의 자산가로, 5년 전에 클럽 지분 매수에 대해 이야기를 나눴지만 실패했다.  그 이후 그의 자산은 7배 이상 증가했다.

“I still hope, one day at the right price, that I’ll buy the team,” Dangote, 58, said in an interview as he traveled on a plane owned by one of his companies between the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa and the Nigerian commercial hub of Lagos on May 1. “I might buy it, not at a ridiculous price but a price that the owners won’t want to resist. I know my strategy.”

"난 여전히 희망한다. 언젠가 적정 가격에 도달하면 난 그 팀을 살 것이다." 단고테(58)는 5월 1일 인터뷰에서 말했다. "말도 안되는 가격은 아니지만 그 가격을 소유자들은 저항할 수 없을겁니다. 난 나의 전략을 알고 있어요.

Arsenal is one of England’s most successful clubs, having won 13 top flight league titles in the country, the most after Manchester United and Liverpool. Arsenal Holdings Plc., the owner, trades on the ICAP Securities & Derivatives Exchange, or ISDX, and is valued at 988 million pounds ($1.49 billion).

아스날의 자산가치는 988m 파운드에 달한다.(14억 9000만 달러)

A successful bid would make Dangote the first African owner of a club in a league where billionaires including Russia’s Roman Abramovich, the owner of Chelsea, and Abu Dhabi’s Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al Nahyan, who controls Manchester City, have acquired teams.

Cement, Gas

Stan Kroenke, worth $5.6 billion and owner of the National Football League’s St. Louis Rams, holds 67 percent of Arsenal, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. About 30 percent is owned by Red & White Sec Ltd., controlled by billionaire Alisher Usmanov, a former Uzbekistan youth fencing champion who is now Russia’s third-richest man, and Farhad Moshiri.

아스날 지분의 67퍼센트를 보유하고 있는 스탄 크론케는 56억 달러의 자산가이다. 그리고 나머지 약 30%를 가지고 있는 회사를 우스마노프가 지배하고 있음. 그는 현재 러시아에서 세 번째로 돈이 많은 부자이다.

Dan Tolhurst, a spokesman for the London-based club, declined to comment, as did Rollo Head, a spokesman for Usmanov in London. Tomago Collins, a spokesman for Kroenke in Denver, did not immediately respond to e-mails requesting comment.

Dangote has interests in sugar and flour and controls Dangote Cement Plc, Nigeria’s biggest publicly traded company. He is investing $11 billion in a 650,000 barrel-a-dayoil refinery near Lagos and as much as $2.5 billion in gas pipelines running to the city from Nigeria’s oil-rich Niger River delta region.

His wealth has fallen by $2.7 billion this year, the second-most globally, according to the Billionaires Index.

FA Cup

Dangote, who ranks 55th on the index, said he’s too busy with existing projects to mount a bid now.

“We have $16 billion-worth of investments in the next few years,” he said. “Right now I want to take my own business to a certain level. Once I finish on that trajectory, then maybe” an offer will follow.

Most English Premier League matches are broadcast live in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, by Supersport, a satellite television channel owned by South Africa’s Naspers Ltd.

Arsenal won the FA Cup, England’s main knockout tournament, for the 11th time in 2014, its first major trophy since 2005, and is in the final this year. Over the last decade London rivals Chelsea have won the English league four times as well as the European Champions League and several other trophies.

Arsene Wenger, who has managed Arsenal since 1996, has been criticized by fans including Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame for the team’s limited success in the last 10 years. Dangote said he is often too nervous to watch their games. The team beat Hull 3-1 on Monday with two goals from Chilean striker Alexis Sanchez.

While Wenger has managed the club well from a financial standpoint, he “needs to change his style a bit,” said Dangote. “They need new direction.”

Arsenal is the eighth-biggest football club in the world measured by revenue, according to Deloitte LLP’s Football Money League 2015 report published in January. It made 359 million euros ($401 million) of sales in the 2013-2014 season. Spain’s Real Madrid, the biggest club, generated revenue of 550 million euros, according to Deloitte.

2015/05/23 - [클럽축구] - 유럽축구 클럽 지도, 세계 축구 리그 클럽별 연고지 지도

2015/05/24 - [클럽축구] - 도르트문트 도르트문트 시절.jpg

2015/05/05 - [아스날] - 아스날이 맨유를 이긴 날.jpg

2015/05/01 - [아스날] - 외질의 시야.jpg

2015/04/19 - [아스날] - 아스날 다음 시즌 스쿼드 예상

2015/04/18 - [아스날] - 아스날 미드필더 카솔라 평가(펌글)

2015/04/14 - [풋볼머니리그] - 2013/14 딜로이트 풋볼 머니 리그

2015/04/02 - [아스날] - 뒷방으로 물러난 슈제츠니.jpg

2015/03/31 - [주식/투자/금융] - 세계에서 가장 부유한 1%는 어디에 살까?

'아스날' 카테고리의 다른 글

2015/16 아스날 경기 일정  (0) 2015.08.01
아스날 2014/15 FA컵 우승  (0) 2015.06.03
아스날이 맨유를 이긴 날.jpg  (0) 2015.05.05
외질의 시야.jpg  (0) 2015.05.01
아스날 다음 시즌 스쿼드 예상  (0) 2015.04.19

국가대표 축구 ELO 레이팅 시스템

The World Football Elo Rating System

The World Football Elo Ratings are based on the Elo rating system, developed by Dr. Arpad Elo. This system is used by FIDE, the international chess federation, to rate chess players. In 1997 Bob Runyan adapted the Elo rating system to international football and posted the results on the Internet. 

He was also the first maintainer of the World Football Elo Ratings web site. The system was adapted to football by adding a weighting for the kind of match, an adjustment for the home team advantage, and an adjustment for goal difference in the match result.

These ratings take into account all international "A" matches for which results could be found. Ratings tend to converge on a team's true strength relative to its competitors after about 30 matches. Ratings for teams with fewer than 30 matches should be considered provisional. 

Match data are primarily from International Football 1872 - Presentweb site maintained by Raoul S. da Silva Curiel. Other sources are listed on the football links page. If you wish to be notified by e-mail every time the ratings are updated, use the sign-up form.

The ratings are based on the following formulas:

Rn = Ro + K × (W - We)

Rn is the new rating, Ro is the old (pre-match) rating.

K is the weight constant for the tournament played:

  • 60 for World Cup finals;
  • 50 for continental championship finals and major intercontinental tournaments;
  • 40 for World Cup and continental qualifiers and major tournaments;
  • 30 for all other tournaments;
  • 20 for friendly matches.

K is then adjusted for the goal difference in the game. It is increased by half if a game is won by two goals, by 3/4 if a game is won by three goals, and by 3/4 + (N-3)/8 if the game is won by four or more goals, where N is the goal difference.

W is the result of the game (1 for a win, 0.5 for a draw, and 0 for a loss).

We is the expected result (win expectancy), either from the chart or the following formula:

We = 1 / (10(-dr/400) + 1)

dr equals the difference in ratings plus 100 points for a team playing at home.

Sample Winning Expectancies

in Ratings

도르트문트 도르트문트 시절.jpg

도르트문트 12/13 시즌 챔스 스쿼드

앞으로 이 정도 퀄리티가 나오는 건 어려울 거 같음... ㅠㅠ

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유럽축구 클럽 지도, 세계 축구 리그 클럽별 연고지 지도

이건 EPL 지도.

뉴캐슬, 선덜랜드가 북쪽 끝에 있고 런던은 거의 남쪽 끝.

뉴캐슬까지 가는 건 정말 힘든 길일듯.


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